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Gyeongbuk robot company FRT’s ‘wearable robot’… Good Design Gold Award
Step-Up 4th generation model winner selected

FRT Co., Ltd., a wearable robot company based in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, announced on the 23rd that its 'wearable robot' received the Prime Minister's Gold Award at the '2022 Good Design Award'.

Workers wearing FRT's Step-Up wearable robot can use less force than before when handling heavy objects, reducing physical fatigue during repetitive tasks and preventing the development of musculoskeletal diseases.

The award-winning Step-Up 4th generation model is a model that can add not only muscle strength support but also Internet of Things (IoT) functions such as work environment data such as temperature and humidity, workload measurement, and remote monitoring. FRT explained that the selection of the 4th generation model as an excellent design product was the result of recognition for its high innovation and design progressiveness.

Jae-ho Jang, CEO of FRT, said, "This is the first case in the world where a modular, task-tailored wearable robot has been commercialized and deployed at an industrial site. It is a robot that meets ESG management, a recent hot topic in the industry." “We will strive to create a safe working environment by widely distributing customized robots,” he said.

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